Hello, 2016!

3:05:00 AM

It's been awhile. I know that this blog has been a work-in-progress for the past THREE years now, and I know that it's my New Year's resolution e v e r y year to keep up with this - so this next sentence shouldn't surprise you...

In 2016 I will try to commit to this blog and update it as often as possible!
I feel like 2015 was just a big, fat blur that never really happened and I have a feeling that 2016 is going to follow closely in it's footsteps. I mean, c'mon - it is already 3:50 a.m. on Tuesday January 5th!
Five days into the new year but I already feel like it's been 2016 for ages.

I've also contemplated making separate blog posts of updates as to school, and life, and love and ya-da-da-da-da but then while brainstorming I realized that all is pretty quiet and boring... surprise, surprise.

However, there WILL be a separate post of this years New Year resolutions/goals/dreams so keep an eye out for that one ;)

Spring 2016 semester of my JUNIOR year also starts up in less. than. a. week. I'm trying to keep my cool but I seriously cannot believe that I'm already halfway through with my junior year and that this coming fall semester I will be a SENIOR! I seriously can't believe it especially because I feel like high-school was yesterday, haha.
I'm taking 17 credit hours again this spring semester so pray for this busy, busy bee!

I hope everyone has had fun, and safe New Year celebrations! Enjoy these random bullet points of what's going through my 4:00 a.m. brain! ;)

xo, me.

Brain Dump
  • first of all, can we talk about Target's dollar spot section right now?! I think that this is my all-time favorite dollar spot "line" (or whatever you want to call it) but then again, I think I say that every time.
  • i have been obsessing over foreign horror movies for the past few days/week and i don't think there's ever any going back to english-speaking/american ones! so good, seriously - you won't be able to sleep.
  • ALSO, i have also been obsessing over creepy short-stories that I come across on Tumblr. do yourself a favor and google "borrasca" and read through ALL FOUR PARTS of the reddit series. your mind will be absolutely blown and youll be thoroughly creeped out. do it.
  • for other short, creepy stories i'd also recommend looking up a user called "sixpenceee" on Tumblr and reading through the "story" tag. SO. MANY. GOOD. ONES.
  • I'd post the links to the stories but it's 4 a.m. and laziness doesn't sleep (me)
  • teen wolf comes back tomorrow......................
  • and PLL comes back next week......................
  • I'm real hyped about the above two bullet points.
  • I really have to do my laundry
  • Is anyone else really feeling this adele album like I am. like i don't even need to be sad or going through a break up to cry real big baby tears over her music
  • "All I Ask" - Adele.
  • Youtube the above song, grab a box of kleenex and a big bowl of ice cream and let it out, girl.

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