2016 New Year Goals & Resolutions

3:23:00 AM

1. Use less heat on my hair. (3-4x a week MAX)
2. Read more books! (16 of 2016!)
3. Drink more water!
4. Learn a new language! (French, Italian, Spanish)
5. Practice saving money, and no more reckless spending.
6. Learn a new talent! (Calligraphy is at the top of this list!)
7. Keep a happiness journal... or even a happiness blog ;)
8. Make time for the things/people that make me happy!
9. Be better to my skin.
10. Get inspired, every single day.
11. Be a better sister/daughter/friend.
12. Make a BIG deal out of birthdays!
13. Get better at handling credit!
14. Take more pictures! (Mini note: stay stocked up on instax film!)
15. Declutter: negative people, un-needed stuff, unhealthy emotions, negative vibes, etc.
16. Have a morning & night routine down and follow it religiously!
17. Practice saying "yes" more often to things I'm usually too afraid to do/try.

I know, I know - for resolutions/goals to work and be successful they usually have to be specific and have a timeline. However, I think that a lot of these things are goals that I need to work toward every single day and that there will never be a day that I will feel like all is done and that I have done enough. I think 2016 will be the year that I learn that not everything has to have a deadline or a specific schedule - daily thought and devotion will surely get me to where I need to be in the long run!
I hope you all have a wonderful 2016! Make it count!

xo, me.

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