Back to School (College) tips (maybe even just life tips in general)

7:30:00 AM

1. Be a good person.
I am not here to preach what I think a "good" person is or what a "bad" person is but whatever YOU think is good, be that. Seriously. This is the time of your life when you're young enough that literally the WORLD is at your finger tips, and old enough to do something and make a difference. Start with YOU. Be good, do good.

2. Love ya'self.
I think college means that start of discovering yourself and really start reflecting on who you are as a young individual. You are free from your parents, but not from YOURSELF. Love yourself before anything. College is full of stress, homesickness, and lots of self-discovering. Find out who you are but love every inch of it along the way.

3. Make eye contact.
I cannot tell you how many AMAZING conversations I've had with complete strangers because they made eye contact with me (when they could) and initiated a conversation. Everyday I think about how many more I missed out on because I was too shy to look anyone in the eye or smile at a stranger in passing... seriously. I thought that aspect of meeting new people in college was a myth or over-hyped but it is NOT. College is PERFECT for meeting new people! Smile passing strangers and make eye contact, you'll be so much more approachable and you'll have so many memorable conversations/interactions along the way!

4. Build bridges!
Not here to get political on you guys either, but I promise - building walls instead of bridges is a motto you can carry around with you for all areas of your life.

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