Ways I Plan On Bettering Myself

7:30:00 AM

1. Working out more. For my heart and for my self esteem!

2. Eating less meat. For me and for the environment.

3. Caring more for my hair, skin and nails! I am the worst at personal pampering and caring about it, so I'm trying to step it up and make weekly/monthly nail and hair appointments! And caring more for my skin, always.

4. Reading more. Fiction. Nonfiction. Self-care. Self-help. News articles. Etc.

5. Taking my vitamins! I've been trying to get more and more into vitamins and making sure I take them daily. During the winter time vitamin C was my LIFE SAVER. Everyone else was getting sick and I barely got any symptoms, and if I did they went away fast!

6. Spending less, saving more.

7. Praying more. Taking more time to have conversations and giving thanks to Heavenly Father will be the number one thing that will change me for the better. I'm working on it, slowly but surely!

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