Braces Pros and Cons - 6 month update

7:00:00 AM

Hi everyone!!! So as of December 10th I have officially had my braces for a full 6 months!

I think that the first 2-3 months of having braces consisted of the the MOST change so far, so I figured 6 months was a pretty good time period to get a gauge on the pros/cons of having braces (pre-rubber bands of course, lol).

1. Seeing the progress!
Clearly this is the biggest pro because it's the whole point of getting braces on the first place, lol.

2. Getting to choose fun colors for the rubber bands around my brackets!
My FAVORITE part is getting to choose the rubber band colors! I like being extra and choosing at least 2 different colors (and I get so many compliments on them too, haha).

1. Brace face.
The first two months especially I thought I looked SOOO bad! Haha. But now that my teeth don't look all wild and crazy, they look a little more normal, haha.

2. Eating.
I am SO paranoid that I always have food stuck in my brackets so I generally don't eat out in public anymore, haha. Not because I'm ashamed or anything, but literally because I am too lazy to bring a toothbrush everywhere I go and I like to avoid public restrooms as often as possible, lol.

3. Flossing.
Seriously, I well NEVER complain about flossing once I get these braces off. Flossing with braces on is the biggest pain in the butt, ever.

So there it is! My super short, and simple (and somewhat obvious) list of braces pros/cons! I think i'll do another update a few months from now once I get my rubber bands on and start the jaw alignment part of the treatment!
So thank you so much for reading! XO, me.

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