Law of Attraction.

8:00:00 AM

Hi everyone! So this week I thought I'd talk about something I've been doing recently (along with brain-dumping) that I've noticed has made a HUGE change in my life!

A few weeks ago I watched Lavendaire's youtube video about the Law of Attraction; and I've heard of this "law", I've read The Secret, I knew all about this and like many people out there I thought it was sooooo fake, but a good idea over all.

But after watching her video I reflected on it and I spent a lot of time thinking "huh, well there HAS to be something to this..." and there is! While I don't think it's a real "law" or a spiritual process or whatever - I do think that the general idea/theory behind it is a good one.

Essentially, the law of attraction states that you acquire what you attract. Meaning, if you think negatively then negative things are more likely to happen to you and if you think positively then positives things are more likely to happen to you... (or something like that, just roll with me here...).

So that sounds kind of wacko, right? Some people swear that they spoke into the universe that they were going to become more well off financially, or that some amazing person is going to walk into their life, or that they'll land their dream job and that these things actually happened. And I believe it, but not because there's a mystical magical law out there that says "hey if you want these things you can get them if you think them hard enough"... mm, no.

BUT, I do believe that positive thinking has INTENSE power. I don't think that more good things happen to people who "speak them into existence" but I think that more people find good things in every situation if that's what they're looking for. I 100% think that people will go through all kinds of trials and tribulations but obviously it's going to be a whole lot worse for the person who thinks negatively than for the person who said "hey something good is going to happen to me today" and then TAKES that negative situation and flips it into a positive learning experience/lesson.

And as far as tangible successes go, I think that positive thinking and living a generally positive lifestyle/mindset is what really set those people's lives in motion. If you're positive and hopeful and wishing for good things to happen, you WILL put yourself out there and do what you can to get closer to those good things. Hopeful and positive people MAKE things happen and that's why their dreams come true. For example, there is NO way some dude sat in his garage and thought everyday that he was going one day going to become an owner of some super cool sports car and then the sports car randomly drove and parked itself there - NO. You have to think these positive things and then set the plan in motion. This guy had to have worked hard and thought to himself "this hard work WILL pay off and I WILL be the owner of a super cool sports car" but that isn't the universe handing you things. That's YOU working for what you love and wish and hope for and YOU acquiring them through positive thinking and a whole lot of work.

I think the universe is such a special and mystical and magical thing, but I also think that people should be a whole lot more realistic about the "Law of Attraction". Good things don't happen to people who sit on their butt and expect them to happen, good things happen to people who do and be good. It's that stinkin' simple.

Anyway, back to how I've been manifesting and using the "Law of Attraction" in my life. So like I just talked about, I don't think the law of attraction is all that it's cracked out to be, but I do think that ANY way people can believe in themselves or manifest those good thoughts and feelings are WORTH LOOKING IN TO. So along with my daily gratitude journal (I post them here at the end of every month, so go check em out (; ) I've been also writing out a "Law of Attraction" section in my journal too! Basically, I just write out good things about myself (qualities, personality traits, etc) and/or I write out the things I WILL achieve. But I don't rely on the universe to achieve the things I want and I don't expect these things to get handed to me. I know that all these positive things I wish and hope for CAN and WILL be mine with a little bit of hard work and a whole lot of positive attitude - no matter what comes my way!

I know this was a WAY longer post than usual but I hope you all enjoyed it! What do you think about the Law of Attraction? Do you interpret it differently than I do? I am SO curious to talk to other people about this and to hear different thoughts and opinions so let me know!
Thanks so much for reading! Xo, me.

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