22 Thoughts on Turning 22

8:00:00 AM

Hi everyone! So during my break I had a birthday! On June 28th I turned TWENTY-TWO years old! Which is crazy because most days I still feel like I'm 16... haha. Anyway, I decided it would be fun/interesting to look back on 22 thoughts/reflections on 22 years of life! So here it goes...

1. School sucks... literally the worst.

2. If I could go back, I'd pick a way more interesting major that made my heart feel full. (It's hard to have a full heart about Biomedical sciences, haha).

3. BUT, I think I've learned that hobbies are SO important when it comes to keeping yourself sane during school.

4. BUT, I'm still so excited that I'm finishing/finished and pushing myself to get those degrees ($$$).

5. Some dreams never ever go away/die, they just get put on hold.

6. Love is hard, but sometimes we make it a lot harder than it has to be.

7. Sometimes you life gives you people to fall in love with, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're meant to be yours forever.

8. It is SO IMPORTANT to surround yourself with people who inspire you.

9. Having a better attitude results in better EVERYTHING, trust me.

10. Don't freaking settle. For anything. Know what you want and demand it.

11. Trust your gut - when it comes to people, life decisions, everything.

12. Declutter your environment and EVERYTHING ELSE in your life feels a little more manageable.

13. Material things are not important, at all, haha. (I've become quite the minimalist, I think).

14. DO THINGS THAT MAKE YOUR HEART HAPPY! (I've spent the last year so sad/not-feeling-like-myself because I was constantly stressing out about money that even a trip to like the dollar store felt like too much - and I love the dollar store, haha).

15. Less is always more - except when it comes to love.

16. Don't do things just because everyone else is.

17. Don't not do things just because you're afraid of what other people will think.

18. Literally who cares what other people think anyway.

19. Take yourself to a late night movie showing (or go with your favorite people) wearing pjs (or any other comfy clothes). THIS IS SERIOUSLY MY NEW FAVORITE THING.

20. Get a puppy. Get twelve puppies. Get as many puppies as your heart desires.

21. Smile at people. Be friendly and kind to everyone.

22. Keep loving/hoping/planning/moving forward when your life feels like it's the saddest. Trust me, it all gets better.

infinite x's and o's,

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