Just a lil' update...

8:00:00 AM

I know it's only the fourth day of 2017 but I figured that I'd share just a little update for this week's post!

+ Kyle got me an external hard drive for Christmas because I've had this nerdy urge to seriously declutter every aspect of my life and I had been talking about how badly I needed one and I've had so much fun transferring old pictures and documents over to it! (I think I've mostly had fun wasting time looking through old pictures and reminiscing about 2014-2016!)

+ I have blog post ideas rough-draft-scheduled until the end of MAY. I am kicking butt already.

+ I wedding venue hunted SO HARD the other day that my "wedding fever" is officially 100% back (at least until school starts up again and takes over my life).

+ I set up a 31 day workout routine/schedule and surprise surprise, guess who's four days behind.

+ This is just a random thought, but I remember my first few semesters of college how hard core I prepared for each and every semester and bought like millions of school supplies and now, for my last semester, I set up 6 folders, threw a pen, my planner, and a few sheets of paper in my backpack and called it a day hahahaha.

+ All jokes aside, this semester will probably kick my butt harder than any semester ever has - send good vibes my way.

+ While going through all my old photos, I realized that 1. I hardly selfie anymore (which needs to change in 2017) and 2. I hardly take any cool and creative pictures, period. I had so many cool pictures for my instagram feed and now my entire instagram consists of all the food kyle and i eat, hahaha. So that's changing soon! Lets hope......

+ Wedding dress browsing is hard work....... I don't know how I'm going to manage actual appointments.

+ I think I have narrowed down my life into possibly four boxes for a big move coming soon.............................. maybe five or six.

+ Pray, pray, pray, PRAY for me - School is coming back NEXT WEEK, and wedding planning is back on the front burner so my head is going to be spinning for the next few months!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox, me.

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