January Update & Review

9:17:00 PM

Hi guys! So, the first month of 2017 felt both like it flew by, and like it took its sweet time...

Let's see...
+ I started my LAST semester of college on January 9th! It was a weird and crazy week (everything still feels weird and crazy, TBH).

+ I applied for graduation in May! Officially! Woohoo.

+ We got a new president... NOT woohoo.

+ And... that's really all I've been up to, haha.

Honestly, I've ALREADY been slacking on my go-to-class game. It's been three weeks and I've already skipped a majority of my classes, haha. Life has been tough, SO tough lately. I know I've let it affect me so much more than I should ever have, but I'm working on changing that and rewinding and putting myself back on the right track. I'm dealing with a lot, and absolutely nothing, all at the same time - it's the weirdest, limbo-est feeling ever.

And that's it, that's my super exciting life update. Haha.
I guess I just want to leave all of you guys with this weird schpeel about how life has its weird up and down moments. You just have to power through and keep positive. You can't let your mind and mood slump down along with all the crazy situations going on around you. Stay positive, and keep doing what will make you happy - it will all be okay.

On a brighter note, next week is FEBRUARY. Which means valentines day all month long. And cute spring clothes, and scents, and bright and white everything. FLOWERS. I LOOOOOOVE spring time, and I've needed it and have been waiting for awhile now.

Until next time, XO... me.

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