How To Have A Successful Semester

12:00:00 PM

+ color coding, sticky notes, notecards, & a planner are a must!
+ put papers in their designated folders/binders and get into that habit. Otherwise, if you just toss the papers in and tell yourself that you'll organize them later, they usually don't get organized EVER. So make and keep good habits.

+ read chapters AHEAD of time.
+ if the professor allows you to do work/turn in work ahead of time, DO IT. You'll thank yourself when the weeks get really busy and sleep gets really scarce.

Stay on top of due dates/reviews/lecture materials.
+ with the second tip in mind, actually KNOW when things are due.
+ know what lectures you're going over during what days so that preparation is a breeze.
+ review, review, review the lecture material THROUGHOUT the semester. Don't wait until a big exam or the final exam to decide it's time to actually know and understand what the professor was talking about all semester.

Study buddies.
+ make friends with the smartest kids in class and contribute in study groups. Don't mooch off of everyone else's smarts.
+ When you have a group of people who are motivated to do well in class, you'll feel motivated too (or at the very least feel guilty for not being as motivated as them hence making you want to work harder.)

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS know were you stand in the class.
+ AS IN CHECK YOUR GRADES FREQUENTLY! I never understood how some people are so easy-breezy about not knowing their grades. I'm NUTS about knowing what I got on papers/assignments/exams I'm refreshing out portal every two seconds. Also, it helps you determine if you need to do extra credit (even though no matter what your grade is you should always do extra credit) and know how well you have to do on future assignments/exams/THE final exam.

And, that's it! If you get enough sleep and actually care about your classes and grades you're almost guaranteed a successful semester. So, good luck this semester everyone! #4pointOBoyz

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