Life Lately - March 2019!

7:30:00 AM

W O R K:
I still LOVE my job! I think working in the medical field has been the p e r f e c t fit for me because I learn something new and important EVERYDAY! Currently I'm being trained to learn a new testing method for pre-operative patients! I'm trying to be the best sponge I can so that when I move on to PA (or optometry ;)) school that I have a ton of hands on work and knowledge that I can continue to grow on!

H O M E:
I'm still working on saving up so I can move into my DREAM apartment/home! SOMETIMES I get discouraged and feel like I'm falling so much further behind than other people my age when it comes to being independent and living on my own but also I see how much everyone hates all the responsibilities that come with being an adult L O L. I'm trying really hard to find the happy medium between being prepared but also jumping out of the nest and just learning how to fly (cheesy). I for sure think I'm NEARLY there :)

L O V E:
No new updates here :-) I was really excited about one specific person for a long time and really thought it was going to work out! But somethings just don't... and that's a-okay. The dates I go on and the different kind of people I meet really help me figure out what exactly I'm looking for!

F I T N E S S:
This is a very NEW part of my life! I've been slowly building up and adding in workouts/runs since November and just recently I decided to get an apple watch + airpods to take on my runs! I've also slowly added in small - beginner - at home workouts (and I am very, very sore from it - so its working, right?) My goal weight is 125 lbs! And my goal mile time is CURRENTLY 10m. SO, wish me luck!

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