Self Love Survey

7:30:00 AM

1. what do i believe i deserve in life? why?
- i believe i deserve happiness, in whatever form i find it. i believe i deserve this because i believe EVERYONE deserves this. Like i said, in whichever form i find it - which means happiness looks and feels differently for everyone.

2. what does trust mean to me? how can i learn to trust more?
- trust means EVERYTHING. it means being able to rely on someone else as easily and comfortably as you can rely on yourself. sometimes it gets convoluted because some people DONT trust themselves but i think that is truly where it starts. i can learn to trust more when i learn to trust myself and my judgement more.

3. there is a quote from jack kornfield that says "like a sandcastle, all is temporary. build it, tend it, enjoy it. and when the time comes, let it go." what do you need to let go in your life? how do you think you will feel once you let it go?
- i need to let go of my expectations. i expect things to go my way and i expect things to work out as perfectly as i imagine them and i think that when i let go of my expectations i can learn to love and be happy with what i'm given instead... because sometimes it is better.

4. the dalai lama once said, "remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck." when was the last time you didn't get something you wanted, but it worked out for the better?
- the last time i didnt get what i wanted was in my last relationship! i mean, obviously there are a lot of things i want and don't get but the biggest i would say would definitely be my last relationship. i wanted a lot of things that i KNEW in my heart i would not get and when it was all over i ended up with so much more than i thought i would! i got closer to my family, i got to understand myself better and i got a lot of new opportunities.

5. make a list of 10 things you do to relax. how can you incorporate these things into the week ahead of you?
- read, plan, watch youtube, watch netflix, browse zillow, listen to music, read blogs/articles, nap, shop, decorate. I CAN DO ALL OF THE ABOVE.

6. what is your favorite song? why do you like it? how does the song make you feel? what do you think about when you listen to it?
- mess is mine x vance joy. i love it because it is everything i can picture love to be in my heart, in every way and i think about my future marriage and family!

7. "the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - ralph waldo emerson. if you knew this statement were true, what would you do differently in your life? what if you could do these things every day?
- I WOULD PUT MYSELF OUT THERE AND STOP BEING SO SHY. i would take chances on myself and do what makes me happy, no matter what. throw logic to the wind. if i could do these things every day i think i would live a much more fulfilling life.

8. what does love mean to you? how do you show these emotions and actions to yourself?
- love means never ending. i think some loves come to an end, but the biggest and most important ones are yours for life. i show these emotions to myself by making sure that when i feel my lowest that i need to never give up and keep going, because i love myself enough to see a future.

9. in what areas of your life do you show a lot of faith? why does faith come easily to you in these circumstances?
- i honestly can't think of a single one. this is my biggest fault because i feel like i doubt so much and have the most cynical mind and i let logic rule my life instead of having faith in what i WANT to have faith in.

10. what would your daily habits look like if you choose to live life with an open heart?
- i would wake up, do work that i love, spend time with the people i love, take time to volunteer, then workout/join a class (learning ANYTHING) - plan how i can change myself and/or someone nearest to me for the next day. sleep. repeat.

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