2018 1st Quarter Life Update!

7:30:00 AM

Hi everyone! I missed nearly ALL of last months blog posts because... well... life happens, haha. Nothing MAJOR happened, but ya girl needed a break - life caught up to me fast and I didn't have the time or energy to keep cranking out blog posts.

Also, I think last month I felt uninspired. Which is the worst word ever. Because I think I am inspired all the time because there is so much to be inspired by - but content wise, I wasn't feeling anything I had brainstormed out! But anyway...

I thought I'd hop on here and give you all a quarter 2018 life update! Hope you all enjoy!

WORK - As of right now, I'm ready to open my own business and be my own boss. Lol. Of course I am SUPER thankful for my job! I get paid well, I get the best hours EVER, I like the people I work with - no complaints there. But every day I go in I am hyper aware of the fact that I don't really have any control over the company/I am such a small little piece in the grand scheme of things. So i wake up every morning and I day dream about making my own rules and doing my own thing. So watch out, I'm going to be putting a TON more love and commitment into my blog and my content and I hope it all pays off!

LOVE - NO NEWS. Haha. I think I've been stellar about keeping my love life under wraps because honestly I don't feel like it's anyones business (not in a bad way) but also I'm just not interested in making any relationship really that public (for right now). I love love love doing my thing and being known/seen as just ME rather than that-one-girl-dating-that-one-guy so ;)))))) Stay tuned though y'all.

HOME - I have been SERIOUSLY neglecting my home keeping habits, haha. I NEED to declutter more and seriously DEEP CLEAN everything around me - but #naps and #sleepingin and #wouldratherdoliterallyanythingelse.

SCHOOL - I MISS IT. I need to go back, asap. I reminisce every single day about my college days - like the old lady I am :(((((( Once again, STAY TUNED MBA COMING SOON BOO BOOS JUST WAIT ON IT.

HOBBIES - I have rediscovered my love for reading and LOST my love for youtube. Can you believe it? I can't. I seriously have become the biggest little book worm EVER and I love getting lost in a good book. Also, I realized how restless I get just sitting around watching youtube so I think for now I've been kind of turned off to it - but I'm still adding to my queue when I'm ready to come back ;) LOL.

CHURCH - I have been SLACKING on going to church, seriously. I am the bomb.com at reading my scriptures, listening to a conference talk, and "praying" (having super casual conversations with God when any situation arises) BUT actually attending church on Sunday's is HARD for me. Which does not make ANY sense. I'm trying to push myself to do it, so pray for me guys - and give me lots and lots and lots of words of encouragement!

FITNESS - YA GIRL IS GAINING WEIGHT I'M JUST GONNA SAY IT. This time last year I was losing weight and super skinny and LOVING MY LIFE, but I have been LOVING MY LIFE still and in the food category I am killing the game. i LOVE snacking on chips and i LOVE eating hot pot... which has not been working out for me :( SO I'm trying to be a lot more committed for the rest of the year because summer is coming up fast! So pray for me - again, LOL.

That's the basic break down of the first quarter of my year! I hope you guys all enjoyed! If you have any content suggestions feel free to let me know! Thanks so much for reading, xoxoxoxoxoxox.

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