My morning routine!

8:00:00 AM

Hi everyone! So recently I've been trying to get into daily routines/habits that help me feel more refreshed for the start (and even the end) of everyday and I think I got a pretty good system down - so I thought I'd share it!!! Hope you all get some inspiration for morning routines and good - PRODUCTIVE - ways you all can start out each and every day! Thanks for reading!

7:30 - 8:00 AM - Okay, so the first *few* things I ALWAYS do is pee (had to share it, sorry), wash my face, brush my teeth, and WEIGH myself! I check my weight every single day and learned that its always most consistent and accurate when I check it in the morning (pre-food and fluids weighing me down) and around the same time everyday! ALSO, before leaving the bathroom I wipe and clear up the counter, as well as collect all the dirty laundry and set it in the laundry "to-do" closet!

~8:10 - 8:30 AM - Once the bathroom is cleared up and free of clutter - I work my way around the living room! I try to set all the random things that the SIX other people I live with place around the house on the coffee table and plump up all the pillows. If I can separate out big important stuff (like backpacks or tshirts or whatever else) then I do - but papers and electronics I generally just leave alone so my sisters/family can collect it when they get back home later in the day! Once the living room is cleared I make way to the kitchen - clearing all counters, putting away all breakfast foods my sisters left out, ect. Then I feed the dogs!

8:30 - 8:45 AM - Once all the dirty dishes are collect (because I think I'm the ONLY person who keeps track of mine LOL) I put away whatever dishes that are on the dish rack or in the dishwasher, and re-load them back up! I usually listen to a conference talk while doing so!

8:45 - 9:00 AM - If the laundry is crazy, then I'll put a load in the washer. I wash my sheets AND pillows once a week, so if it's about that time then I'll do that as well! BUT MOSTLY, all my mini-chores are done and the house in clear and cluttered free enough that I can grab a 24oz cup of COLD water. I try to drink 3 cups (24oz) in 20 minutes AT MOST. And the other 5 cups before noon! I KNOW that if I'm not strict about forcing myself to drink all 8 glasses in the moring time, then I won't drink it AT ALL throughout the day.

9:00 AM - This is about the time I either start getting ready for the day or start working through my daily habits and habit tracker (will do a blog post about this later too *wink wink*). Obviously if I'm doing laundry then I'll set alarms on my phone for about when generally the loads will the done (our washer and dryer have those little song alerts but my room is so far away from the laundry room that I generally don't hear it then forget about my laundry all together (which is not good)).

And that's it!!! That's my morning routine! Some days it is a little different depending on my work schedule/studying schedule - but I still GENERALLY try to get all these things done the second I wake up and if I'm in a little bit of a crunch I'll do a SUPER QUICK clean/clear up job and save what I can for later times!
What are some morning routines/rituals that you all do to get your day started? I'd like to know, and maybe even incorporate a few for my own! ;) Once again, thanks for much for reading lovelies!!!
XO, me.

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