A survey! (I know you missed them...)

8:00:00 AM

Hi guys!!! So I've been itching to do a survey but I hadn't come across any on tumblr lately (LOL) BUT while I was scrolling through Pinterest I came across a list of 30 different blog prompts for a 30 day challenge but I figured I could crank out more than 1/2 of these with short and sweet answers so I decided to make it into a quick survey instead! I hope you all enjoy! XO, me.

1. How do I feel at the moment?
- Like One Tree Hill is LIFE. Seriously, how did I put this off for so long....

2. What do I need more of in my life?
- Love. Love. Love. Always love.

3. What would make me happy right now?
- Unlimited amount of time.

4. What is going right in my life?
- Most things - nearly ALL things.

5. What am I grateful for? List at least 10 things.
- The LUXURY of having braces.
- Getting an A in DevBio!
- Having my finances (mostly) in order.
- Sunny days!
- Sweet (but stinky) Cainer Wainer.
- One Tree Hill.
- Believing in myself.
- All the love coming into my life lately!
- Being able to relax on this BEAUTIFUL DAY OFF OF WORK!
- Sleepy Titan!

6. When did I experience joy this week?
- Everyday.

7. List all my small victories and successes.
- Everything these days feels like a small victory.

8. What's bothering me? Why?
- How cold I am! #stillwearssweatersinAZsummers.

9. What are my priorities at the moment?
- Getting laundry done #adulting.

10. What do I love about myself?

11. Who means the world to me and why?
- My family, my puppers and my friends! Because I wouldn't be me without them!

12. If I could share one message to the world, what would it be?
- "Do all things with great love."

13. What advice would I give to my younger self? (Do I follow this advice now?)
- SLOW DOWN. Don't rush life. And I'm trying to, really trying to!

14. What lesson did I learn this week?
- Buy the jeans. Do it.

15. If i had ll the time in the world, what would I want to do first?
- Travel! Learn a new language! Learn new things!

16. What's draining my energy? How can I reduce or cut it out?
- These hot cheetos I'm eating... I can stop eating them, lol.

17. What does my ideal morning look like?
- Wake up, clean the house, relax and watch Netflix or get work/school stuff done! In my PJs - the entire time.

18. What does my ideal day look like?
- See question #17.

19. What makes me come alive? When was the last time I felt truly alive?
- Love, being in love. Right now.

20. What/who inspires me the most? Why am I drawn to those inspirations?
- I've been hardcore following cute and loving LDS couples on instagram and listening to love and eternal marriage conference talks lately - so basically all those people who provide healthy examples of Godly love.

21. Where does my pain originate? What would need to happen for me to heal?
- Mostly my heart. I would need to stop hardening it against the world and start believing and trusting in it more.

22. What are my strengths? What am I really good at?
- I am STELLAR at organization and getting things done and being responsible, lol.

23. What is something I would love to learn?
- German. #53prozent

24. What hobbies would I like to try?
- Embroidering a lot more seriously!

25. Where would I want to live my ideal life?
- Oregon. Maybe London, will let you know soon xx.

26. Where would I want to travel in the next 5 years?
- England, Germany, Alaska!

27. What can I do to take better care of myself?
- Pray.

28. When have I done something that I thought I couldn't do?

29. At the end of my life, what do I want my legacy to be?
- Love.

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