1/2 Way Through The Semester Update!

9:00:00 AM

Okay you guys... This is it! My HALFWAY through my last semester of college update!
First off, I'm going to go ahead and admit that this semester sucks. And is kicking my BUTT.

I've recently quit my job because of how overwhelming this semester has been: physically, mentally, emotionally, ALL OF IT. It has drained me so, so, so much.
- Okay, so I really didn't want to quit my job. YEAH, I hate working, haha. But I also know that I need to work, and need money, haha. But I was something that I felt like I had to do in order to graduate on time and would be more beneficial for me in the long run. And I can say that I am still SO stressed out because of the move, and wedding planning, and all of it and how it requires money, haha.

I have at least one exam a week. Which is as terrible as it sounds.

I really LOVE school and love learning, but this semester has been the absolute worst semester I ever. I feel so un-motivated and uninspired.

BUT, I know that a lot of this is mind over matter. I let myself dwell on how stressed I am and I let myself live in that stress and it has definitely rubbed off on all other parts of my life. BUT, spring break is over and I've finally gotten the breath of fresh air I've been needing. And the future is full of SO many fun and exciting plans full of love and life and hope and I need to keep my eye on the prize! Haha.

If anyone of you are going through a hard time in school, KEEP GOING. It will all pay off in the end and those feelings won't last forever! That is definitely something I have to remind myself of day after day, haha.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed my 1/2 semester update! Thanks for reading!
xo, me.

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