10 Ways To Stay Inspired!

8:00:00 AM

1. Go on a walk!
Seriously, never underestimate the magic of even a TEN minute walk. Walk for 30 minutes, walk for an hour, spend an entire afternoon walking around your local park. However much time you need to decompress and just enjoy your surroundings!

2. "Declutter" (at least) two things a week!
It has been NO secret how stressed out I've been lately and I'm not sure WHAT it is but I'm like addicted to getting rid of stuff or rearranging or just recycling old paperwork or WHATEVER. I think I make it a goal to get rid of/donate/give to my sisters at least two things a week and I feel so much lighter and brighter and happier its the best feeling everrrrrrrr.

3. Wake up early.
Start your day early and get stuff done! Seriously, nothing is more inspiring and motivating than getting an entire list of to do's done early in the day and then finding out that its noon and you're freeeeeeeee.

4. Workout.
I've heard that working out makes you happier and less stressed ;) I have YET to complete this little tip and to stick with it haha. But do it!!!!

5. Make a fun playlist!
And then BLAST it while you do your daily chores/to do's. Seriously. (hint hint: beyonce is always a good idea).

6. Open your windows!
Nothing makes me happier and more motivated than opening my windows and letting as much sunlight into the room and listening to the birds chirp and just life all around me. It gets WAY too hot to do this in Arizona any month after like March, so make the most of the coolER temperatures while you can haha.

7. Browse Pinterest.
Do I really even have to explain this one? Pinterest is my JAM.

8. Buy a new planner!
NOTHING feels better than having a brand spanking new planner and decorating it and/or filling it out. NOTHING. Don't fight me on this...

9. Read a book/magazine/blog post about stuff that interest you!
I've been trying to get into podcasts, but have yet to find one that REALLY interests me and holds my interest for 30+ minutes. But books, books, books. Even if its just light reading to browse through or a travel catalog or WHATEVER. Have those little reminders around you that get you excited to keep moving forward!

10. Brain dump.
If you're ever feeling overwhelmed open up a word doc and BRAIN DUMP. Let every thought that comes to you flow out onto the word doc for at least five minutes, then when you feel good and ready take whatever time you need to address and reflect on why you said/feel certain things and THEN brain dump again a bunch of different ideas or ways you can change or better those things and HANDLE IT! You can do it!

Thanks for reading everyone! XO, me.

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