April 2015 Goals.

2:37:00 PM

March is gone, gone, gone and sweet, sunshine-y April has made it's way to me.

And as I sit here and reflect on the past 31 days that March has given to me, I am so grateful and full of love... and so this months goal is to spread and share all the love and gratitude I have.
Simple as that.

This month I will...
- try really, really, really hard to blog more.
- SERIOUSLY cut out all the negative out of my life... especially negative people.
- take things slow.
- love and love and love and love some more.
- actually clean out my closet AND take everything to donation centers (I always miss that last step for some reason)
- Enjoy my last and final full month at my current college!

I will also remind myself that forgiveness is a very sticky thing. That forgiving someone DOESN'T mean that you have to stick around while they do the same things to you over and over and over again while you forgive them over and over and over again. It's possible to forgive someone, send them love, and move on. So that's what I'm going to do.

In other news... my heart is full and my brain is bouncing with thoughts and ideas. So.... expect a love letter! Very, very, very soon. (Okay, maybe not too soon but sometime in April - I promise).

And... that's it for me.
P.S. I have some super, super, super huge announcements to make and I will be making them in late MAY 2015. So, bare with me you guys! Life is crazy and it's making me a little crazy too!

P.P.S. I just want to remind each and every one of you that no matter what struggles or hardships you may be going through - you WILL get through them. I promise.  Keep going.

XOXOXOXOX, have a fabulous April you guys!
- me.

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