Finals Week Self Care.

8:00:00 AM

Hi guys! So I KNOW finals week of high school and college (especially) tends to get crazy stressed and everything feels out of wack and last minute papers/presentations/projects/studying just seems to pile on - and we all know that this kind of stress usually leads students to putting self care (physical, mental, emotional - you name it) on the extreme back-burner. From all nighters and eating tons of junk and caffeine overloads - most people don't usually think about taking care of themselves! So I put together a small and easy list of tips that will help you get through finals week!

1. Plan to study ahead of time.
I know that for some students/majors/classes, planning ahead of time isn't easy. Most times (for many of my classes at least) exams and quizzes and just smaller assignments in general don't magically stop the week before finals and a lot of classes tend to keep me busy up until finals week - which sucks. But having a general idea of how much you want to study and when isn't a bad idea! Some universities are amazing in that they give their students a week off before finals week to study and get all their things in order - but not mine, haha. Even though I may or may not even study ahead of time, having a list of all the things I DO need to go over and freshen up on just takes a whole lot of stress off of me. Being able to see what things I do and don't know and what I need to work on helps, trust me.

2. Take an hour out of your day to pick up healthy snacks!
The week/weekend before you know you're going to be cramming and spending all day at the library (lol), go to the grocery store and pick up fruits and granola and water and other healthy snacks to last you the whole week/weekend. Not only does eating healthy make you feel more energized, it helps you focus a lot more. Try not to overload on the caffeine and energy drinks, try to drink more natural drinks and a lot more water.

3. Wake up earlier, go to bed earlier.
Personally, this is such an easy tip for ME because I LOVE the morning time - but I know it's not for everyone, haha. BUT, if you can push yourself to do it for just one week - do it. Not only are you more likely to get more work done in the early hours, you won't spend more staying up all night trying to fight sleep. Wake up early (6-7 AM ish), crank out a few hours of studying and then head to bed early. All nighters are the worst, don't do em.

4. CLEAR study areas.
I think this one is a given. But if your work area is cluttered, more than likely your brain will feel cluttered too. Wake up early and spend 10 minutes clearing up your study area, or make sure that the library table doesn't look like a total disaster - and just keep up with that. Less chances of losing papers/study materials!!!

I hope these tips help! I know that everyone studies so differently, some people work better studying with friends/in groups and some people need complete silence so I tried to keep the list very general and applicable for all kinds of learners/study-ers. Happy studying you guys! You can do it (flexin' emoji here).

Thanks for reading! XO, me.

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