Spring Semester Update

9:00:00 AM

Hi everyone, happy superbowl Sunday! Hope everyone is eating yummy food and enjoying the commercials, haha.
Anyway, next week marks the beginning of the FIFTH week of this spring semester! So I thought I'd give you guys a super casual and quick school update :)

+ School SUCKS. I hate it. Haha. But I KNOW that this is because I am constantly reminding myself that this is my very last semester, so I'm getting anxious and just want to be done already!

+ I had one exam so far and... yeah, school sucks. This coming week I actually have TWO more so wish me luck... haha.

+ I applied for graduation! I applied a few weeks ago and it STILL feels so good to say!

+ I've been missing SO much class it's not even funny. I thought the past few semesters were bad but I think I've already skipped more classes in the past month than I have in the previous three semesters COMBINED. Someone send me motivational quotes every morning or something, because ya girl is really not feeling it these days, haha.

+ Lastly, school is really kicking my butt... like, really. I feel so stressed out and down all the time because I feel like I have so much on my plate and I cannot mess up otherwise I'd have to take on MORE classes (which is not an option for me, lol). So, it's rough right now. Really rough.

Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you're all having good semesters/a good start to the new year!
xo, me.

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