December Asks.

8:00:00 AM

Wind: What do you want to look like?
+ Me, lol.

Frost: Do you believe in magic?
+ Yeah, I think so - like in very, very different ways.

Empty Trees: Describe something, or someone, that comforts you.
+ Kyle, obviously, haha. But rain and like soft soothing rain sounds and music, and like peaceful smells? I dunno.

Fat Birds: What age do you want to die at?
+ I think when I'm good and grey and ready.

Gray Skies: What would you change about the physical world?
+ Sometimes I wish that people did things during the night time instead of the day time, like a reverse way to think about time and light, lol. But I'm sure I'd hate that after awhile.

First Snow: Describe a favorite fantasy from when you were a kid.
+ I'm not sure that I had any.

Finals Week: What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
+ Happy, and secure, and full of good memories and experiences.

Evergreen Trees: Share a memory that shaped you.
+ Too many.

Blizzard: Do you believe in soulmates?
+ YES! But I also believe that like everyone has more than one soulmate, depending on what paths they choose to take - idk if that means that we still only have one soul mate bc we always end up making the exact choices we're supposed to, but I just really think that we are able to choose our own destinies and no matter which one we choose we'll end up with someone who fits and appreciates the journey we took to get there????? Does that many ANY sense????? Haha.

Poinsettia: What winter movies or TV shows do you return to?
+ Elf, Polar Express, Home Alone, the classics haha.

Candle Lit: Favorite books to read in December?
+ I don't usually read books in December specifically for December, but I think I'd love to just stock up on all the little kid picture books to look back on when I get older.

Arguing About Starbucks Cups: What issues matter to you?
+ Childhood obesity, mostly honestly, lol. And obviously the huge issues concerning the public education system, and college tuition, etc.

Hymn: Are you spiritual?
+ I think so?

Hearthside: Do you celebrate any rites of winter?
+ Hm, not really. Winter isn't really a thing in AZ.

Solstice: Tell your perfect, utterly perfect, December day.
+ Maybe like a snow day, but not a blizzard - just a nice, constant snowy day. So obviously I won't have work or school so I can curl up in my PJs and drink hot cocoa and watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas movies.
+ A nice rainy, and grey day so I can crack a window open and listen to the rain (and hopefully not freeze to death) and curl up in a warm throw in my PJ's drinking hot cocoa and watching Christmas movies.

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