Gratitude | ----- |
1 | Today I am thankful for a fresh new start! |
2 | Today I am thankful for keeping up with my goals! |
3 | Today I am thankful for LOVE. Being in it. |
4 | Today I am thankful for how far I've come. |
5 | Today I am thankful for sunrises! |
6 | Today I am thankful for feeling motivated to DO better! |
7 | Today I am thankful for growing stronger! |
8 | Today I am thankful for my Cainer Wainer! |
9 | Today I am thankful for A/C and sunny skies! |
10 | Today I am thankful for being better. |
11 | Today I am thankful for getting my to-do list done!! |
12 | Today I am thankful for shopping! And family time! |
13 | Today I am thankful for my mom. |
14 | Today I am thankful for learning to love. |
15 | Today I am thankful for good food and good people! |
16 | Today I am thankful for naps. |
17 | Today I am thankful for the color GREEN! |
18 | Today I am thankful for being super productive! |
19 | Today I am thankful for being one step closer to PERFECT teeth! |
20 | Today I am thankful for a day at HOME! |
21 | Today I am thankful for every moment of rest! |
22 | Today I am thankful for sweet people! |
23 | Today I am thankful for funny situations and HUMP DAY. |
24 | Today I am thankful for all the kind people in the world. |
25 | Today I am thankful for staying up late!!! |
26 | Today I am thankful for cloudy days! |
27 | Today I am thankful for 3 day weekends, and Sunday mornings. |
28 | Today I am thankful for days off! And easy going Monday mornings! |
29 | Today I am thankfu; for getting through the day. |
30 | Today I am thankful for getting big things done! |
31 |
1. Working out more. For my heart and for my self esteem!
2. Eating less meat. For me and for the environment.
3. Caring more for my hair, skin and nails! I am the worst at personal pampering and caring about it, so I'm trying to step it up and make weekly/monthly nail and hair appointments! And caring more for my skin, always.
4. Reading more. Fiction. Nonfiction. Self-care. Self-help. News articles. Etc.
5. Taking my vitamins! I've been trying to get more and more into vitamins and making sure I take them daily. During the winter time vitamin C was my LIFE SAVER. Everyone else was getting sick and I barely got any symptoms, and if I did they went away fast!
6. Spending less, saving more.
7. Praying more. Taking more time to have conversations and giving thanks to Heavenly Father will be the number one thing that will change me for the better. I'm working on it, slowly but surely!
2. Eating less meat. For me and for the environment.
3. Caring more for my hair, skin and nails! I am the worst at personal pampering and caring about it, so I'm trying to step it up and make weekly/monthly nail and hair appointments! And caring more for my skin, always.
4. Reading more. Fiction. Nonfiction. Self-care. Self-help. News articles. Etc.
5. Taking my vitamins! I've been trying to get more and more into vitamins and making sure I take them daily. During the winter time vitamin C was my LIFE SAVER. Everyone else was getting sick and I barely got any symptoms, and if I did they went away fast!
6. Spending less, saving more.
7. Praying more. Taking more time to have conversations and giving thanks to Heavenly Father will be the number one thing that will change me for the better. I'm working on it, slowly but surely!
+ the bachelorette comes back NEXT WEEK MONDAY and I can't wait for the draaamaaa of it all.
+ also happening next week monday... my job is offering VTO (voluntary time off) and I have never hopped on an opportunity so quickly.... LOL.
+ I think this summertime heat is going to KILL me. Seriously. My headaches are coming a mile a minute and no matter how much water I drink I cannot keep them away!
+ I recently watched "Safe" on Netflix and I can't stop thinking about it... mostly because its british but partly because I had not binged a netflix show in so freaking long... (I think this might be a good thing?????)
+ anyone else GAINING ALL THE WEIGHT?! I think that my sedentary job is really coming around and biting me in the butt because I haven't changed my eating habits but I SERIOUSLY am still gaining weight... help - calling any and all gym buddies I can get
+ i've also been trying to get back into creative journaling and trying to figure out the BEST bullet journal layout and I'm so unsure - I've tried out the bound notebook but now I bought an actual notepad that flips upwards (rather than side by side if that makes sense???) and i'm HOPING i like this better but the downside is that the journal itself is NOT CUTE :( #nissaprobs
+ CHURCH. I can't stop thinking about it. I seriously cannot wait until next Sunday!!!
Hi guys! We've made it to ELEVEN MONTHS!!!!!!!! Can you believe it!? One more month and I would have these bad boys on for a full year...
I know I've missed the past few updates and that this one is coming a little later but I just had my appointment YESTERDAY! So I figured I would wait to give you guys a more up-to-date update ;) So here's what's new! . . .
My ortho says that I am continuing elastics and that for my next appointment scheduled for June 23rd will be the "detailing" appointment where she'll move my teeth up and down or forward and backward and I am SO HAPPY! We are nearing the end!!!
If you've had braces, how many "detailing" appointments did you have!? I'm so excited to know that we're in the process of putting in the finishing touches but SO nervous that these finishing touches are going to come in waves - so I'm hoping its a one and done situation! Lol.
Anyway, thanks so much for reading, LOVE YOU.

10 June 2017!
Today I decided to write out a list of things I love about myself. I think that sometimes I get so down and forget the good things about myself - and I think that this is something that we all tend to do. So I sat down and listed the first 5 things that came to my mind when asked "What do you love about yourself?" and here is what I came up with... enjoy!
1. I am very determined.
I like to get things done and to do them right. Meaning, if things are going in the opposite direction I put my ALL into getting it back on track. It takes a lot for me to give up - on anyone and anything. I think that if I put and set my mind to something that I have a very high success rate - if not, it wasn't meant for me anyway and then I'm determined to find what is/was... I love this about who I am.
2. I can bounce-back.
It does not take much to hurt my feelings... that is NO secret. BUT, I always always always come back stronger. When my heart breaks or I have a moody/bad day I always like to find the brighter side to everything and I use that to come back happier and sweeter and better. I don't let the bitter side of life make a bitter person out of me... I love this about who I am.
3. I've learned to catch myself when I'm being negative.
Like I said above, it does not take much to hurt my feelings. In addition, it does not take much to upset me/make me mad. BUT, when I feel myself getting heated up over things I KNOW are insignificant to the greater plan of life - I like to take time to myself and reflect on it. If I am EVER quiet after an argument it is because I am working through my own feelings to get over it, talking MY OWN SELF down. That way I can take time to get over, and bounce back better than ever! ;) I love this about who I am.
4. I LOVE love.
Okay, I am OBSESSED with love. Every kind of love. Every STAGE of love. Ever single good and bad thing that a person feels/goes through because of love. Love is seriously the MOST powerful feeling - I REALLY feel like it is what makes the world go round. I try to find love in every situation, or think about the people I interact with and the ways that they are loved. I think this helps me go far and helps me plant myself in other peoples shoes or understand other people a little better - we all love. And I love this about who I am.
5. I like to make big deals out of everything, in good ways.
I am HARDCORE about holidays and birthdays and random little days in between. I think it's so fun to make everyday special in some kind of way - sometimes I feel like there isn't enough time to find something special or make something special and I REALLY want to change that about myself. But still, I love that I love to see the best or make the best of everyday. I love this about who I am.
1. I am very determined.
I like to get things done and to do them right. Meaning, if things are going in the opposite direction I put my ALL into getting it back on track. It takes a lot for me to give up - on anyone and anything. I think that if I put and set my mind to something that I have a very high success rate - if not, it wasn't meant for me anyway and then I'm determined to find what is/was... I love this about who I am.
2. I can bounce-back.
It does not take much to hurt my feelings... that is NO secret. BUT, I always always always come back stronger. When my heart breaks or I have a moody/bad day I always like to find the brighter side to everything and I use that to come back happier and sweeter and better. I don't let the bitter side of life make a bitter person out of me... I love this about who I am.
3. I've learned to catch myself when I'm being negative.
Like I said above, it does not take much to hurt my feelings. In addition, it does not take much to upset me/make me mad. BUT, when I feel myself getting heated up over things I KNOW are insignificant to the greater plan of life - I like to take time to myself and reflect on it. If I am EVER quiet after an argument it is because I am working through my own feelings to get over it, talking MY OWN SELF down. That way I can take time to get over, and bounce back better than ever! ;) I love this about who I am.
4. I LOVE love.
Okay, I am OBSESSED with love. Every kind of love. Every STAGE of love. Ever single good and bad thing that a person feels/goes through because of love. Love is seriously the MOST powerful feeling - I REALLY feel like it is what makes the world go round. I try to find love in every situation, or think about the people I interact with and the ways that they are loved. I think this helps me go far and helps me plant myself in other peoples shoes or understand other people a little better - we all love. And I love this about who I am.
5. I like to make big deals out of everything, in good ways.
I am HARDCORE about holidays and birthdays and random little days in between. I think it's so fun to make everyday special in some kind of way - sometimes I feel like there isn't enough time to find something special or make something special and I REALLY want to change that about myself. But still, I love that I love to see the best or make the best of everyday. I love this about who I am.
I hope you all enjoyed my list of 5 things I love about myself! And I hope even more so that you all take the time to make one for yourselves! Thanks for reading! xoxoxoxoxo, me.
1. Wake up early.
2. Make a daily habits list/sheet.
3. Make a general to do list every single day.
4. Drink lots of water.
5. Eat a yummy, healthy breakfast.
6. Set aside specific amounts of time each week for a pamper routine/night!
7. Make a morning routine!
8. Make a night routine!
9. Keep a gratitude journal!
10. Put one good thing/thought into the day, every day.
11. Go to bed early.
12. Create an exercise routine!
13. Give out compliments.
14. Smile more often.
15. Count to 10 before reacting.
2. Make a daily habits list/sheet.
3. Make a general to do list every single day.
4. Drink lots of water.
5. Eat a yummy, healthy breakfast.
6. Set aside specific amounts of time each week for a pamper routine/night!
7. Make a morning routine!
8. Make a night routine!
9. Keep a gratitude journal!
10. Put one good thing/thought into the day, every day.
11. Go to bed early.
12. Create an exercise routine!
13. Give out compliments.
14. Smile more often.
15. Count to 10 before reacting.
Card 1: How you feel about yourself...
Card 2: What you want most right now...
Card 3: Your fears...
Card 4: What is going for you...
Card 5: What is going against you...
Card 6: The likely outcome...
If you're interested in pulling your own tarot cards just for fun check out this link!
Hope you all enjoyed, xoxoxox, me!