7:30:00 AM

+ the bachelorette comes back NEXT WEEK MONDAY and I can't wait for the draaamaaa of it all.

+ also happening next week monday... my job is offering VTO (voluntary time off) and I have never hopped on an opportunity so quickly.... LOL.

+ I think this summertime heat is going to KILL me. Seriously. My headaches are coming a mile a minute and no matter how much water I drink I cannot keep them away!

+ I recently watched "Safe" on Netflix and I can't stop thinking about it... mostly because its british but partly because I had not binged a netflix show in so freaking long... (I think this might be a good thing?????)

+ anyone else GAINING ALL THE WEIGHT?! I think that my sedentary job is really coming around and biting me in the butt because I haven't changed my eating habits but I SERIOUSLY am still gaining weight... help - calling any and all gym buddies I can get

+ i've also been trying to get back into creative journaling and trying to figure out the BEST bullet journal layout and I'm so unsure - I've tried out the bound notebook but now I bought an actual notepad that flips upwards (rather than side by side if that makes sense???) and i'm HOPING i like this better but the downside is that the journal itself is NOT CUTE :( #nissaprobs

+ CHURCH. I can't stop thinking about it. I seriously cannot wait until next Sunday!!!

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