Spring 2015 Semester Goals

12:00:00 PM

1: Manage a 4.0 once again this semester! #PresidentsHonorRoll #4PointOBoyz

2: (piggyback from goal #1) Get A's on tests throughout the semester. I'm definitely, 100%, one of those students who hang out all semester then finals week I stress out and NEED an A on the final. (Not that I get terrible grades on tests, but I definitely don't take them seriously enough.

3: Keep up with youtube and blogging. I usually put both on the back-burner to focus on classwork (which is GOOD) but I KNOW I have enough time and energy to do a it all - so I will. (Fave quote of mine --> You have as many hours in a day as Beyonce.)

4: Visit each of my professors' office hours at least twice. Being friendly with professors, as well being familiar enough that they will actually remember and pronounce your name, is SUPER important. They write the letters of recommendation! Make sure they know who you are and know how serious you take their class!

5: Get enough sleep. I know this one is nearly impossible seeing as I go to school full time, and have a part time job, PLUS I love the internet... But I will make this happen.

6: Healthy snacks, healthy snacks, healthy snacks. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a full day, aka on campus from 7am-7pm, so staying energized and squeezing in time to eat wholesome, healthy, foods is going to be tough. It's tempting to head straight for the vending machine but I need to make sure I pack enough water and HEALTHY foods to last me throughout the day.

7: Keep organized, all. the. time. This usually isn't a problem for me, but one or two weeks out of the semester something weird happens and I'm ALL over the place. So I need to make sure I foresee those busier weeks and plan accordingly so that I'm not a disorganized mess!

8: Find productive study buddies. I'm a huge believer in the study buddy/study group system. Having people to study with really motivates me and keeps me on track. BUT this can also be counterproductive when your study buddies are some of your closest friends (i.e. people who make it really easy to get sidetracked). So close friend study groups are still great! But it's also crucial to form a study group with people I will actually study with.

9: Spend on avg. at least 5 hours at the library a week. I'm lowballing this goal because I'm unsure of what hours at work are going to be like this coming semester, so I figured 5 hours is easy enough. Ideally though, I should be spending triple that amount of time at the library studying, reading my textbooks as well as leisure reading, and preparing myself for classes. BUT 5 hours is a good start.

10: Always, always, always do extra credit.

11: Be THAT kid in class. I NEVER have a problem being singled out for my stellar work #teacherspet. It feels so good to be recognized for all the hard work I put into my school work. So, I want to continue being the GOOD example. (I also might have a slight competitive problem i.e. it's always my #1 goal to be the smartest kid in class aka destroy everyone else academically.)

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