First Week Of Spring Semester
12:00:00 PM
Hi guys! So last week was my first week of my Spring 2015 semester and I thought I'd just update you all on how it went / what I think of it so far!
Monday: MLK Day, no school! All I did this day was work and get everything prepared for the new semester!
Tuesday: First day of my T/TR classes! I have a full day of classes so it was kind of scary going from doing nearly nothing beside working for the past month, to having four classes in one day! But I liked it! I did a lot of "getting to know your classmates" exercises in all my classes. But 8AM classes aren't my favorite... I hope I get used to waking up at 6AM soon! (On T/TR I take Intro to logic, First Year English, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and Physics! YIKES.)
Wednesday: First day of my MW classes! I only have two classes on Monday and Wednesday's so this was a bit easier to handle... BUT I do work both days so I'm still pretty busy during the day! (On MW I take Intro to Statistics and College Success!) I'm really excited about College Success because my teacher brought us donuts (which I hope is a regular thing) plus it's an interesting class!
Thursday: Second day of T/TR classes and things are already starting to get rolling (which I expected) but homework is already piling up and I know it's going to get crazier throughout the semester so... pray for me!
Friday: Long work shift. I allowed myself to semi-sleep in on this day and I didn't get much homework done so I can have a mental rest day to let the fact that my 4th semester of college has begun! I'm soooooo ready for it!
And that's it! I'm really nervous to be taking 18 credits this semester but I know I can do it!
XOXO, me.