12:00:00 PM
Happy Sunday beautiful people!
Today I have a life update for you all because I feel like I haven't done one in while.
So today's talk is blessings.
Everyday is a blessing and everyday presents every person with dozens of blessings,
but sometimes, we don't realize them.
We don't appreciate them.
We don't take the time out of our days to thank Heavenly Father for them.
And I've become self aware of this to the MAX lately.
Basically, I have been given blessing upon blessing upon blessing.
Like the big kind.
And I have been so amazed, and grateful for these blessings and I feel like I'm in such a beautiful place in my life and I question every single day...
"What have I done to be worthy of these blessings?"
And then I stop dead in my tracks there and realize that life has always been this way.
I have been receiving such beautiful blessings for the past 19 years but only NOW am I really, truly, amazed by them because they're the "big" kind.
But I'll let you all in on a little (big) secret...
Every blessing is a big blessing.
(I urge you all to read that line over and over.
Soak it in, inhale it, let it make a home within yourself and incorporate that mindset into your lives!)
Whether it's waking up to a cozy bed, or finding a penny on the street, or winning the lottery.
All those blessings weigh just as much as the other.
Crazy, right?
Crazy how beautifully your life can, and will, change when you think of everything as a blessing.
(because everything is a blessing.)
You become happier and more appreciative,
and because everything is a blessing, you will receive more blessings.
Maybe because you're aware of them, and welcoming them into your life,
or because you're finally seeing the "little" everyday things as blessings.
So take the time today (and everyday) to make a list of your blessings,
and you'll find yourself adding even the not-so-fun-things as blessings.
Because really, sometimes we are faced with an obstacle that only leads to even better,
more beautiful, blessings.
You are a blessing.
Today is a blessing.
The toes on your feet and the hair on your head are blessings.
I can go on and on and on.
The list is endless.
I hope and pray that you all take the time out of your day to thank Heavenly Father for these blessings.
Have a beautiful, beautiful week everyone.
I start my spring semester so wish me luck!