The top 5 Most Important Things (to me) In A Relationship!
7:30:00 AMLOVE IS IN THE AIR! So naturally it's time for some relationship themed posts ;) Here are what I think are the 5 most important things in/about a relationship! Hope you all enjoy!
1. Quality time.
Naturally, I have to start this post off with my love language. I've taken this love language quiz/test/whatever probably a million times by now (or at least close to it) and each time I am never surprised that I get quality time as my number 1 by a landslide. I am the worst with words of affirmation, the most awkward when it comes to gifts, pretty rock solid with acts of service, and physical touch comes up at number two (9/10 times). But quality time is my jam. I feel the most loved and the most treasured when I feel like someone really wants to spend their time with me, and I show my love the best through wanting to spend quality time with them.
2. Sweet lil surprises.
I am the biggest sucker for sweet little gestures/surprises. When someone leaves a cute note for me to find (more soon to come, see #3 (; ) or going out of there way to show me I'm loved and thought of in even the smallest of ways. I think that a small little "act of service" goes a VERY long way to let someone know they are loved.
I think I've talked about this in nearly every single relationship blog I've ever posted, lol. I am THE QUEEN of love notes/cute cards. Seriously, I am the biggest sucker for a sweet card with a sweet little saying. I think I get way more enjoyment buying the cards and writing them and giving it to the other person than I do actually receiving them (BUT DON'T GET ME WRONG I LOVE LOVE LOVE RECEIVING THEM)... but that's just how much they mean to me! I'm bad at words in person but I like expressing myself through words on paper (or on screen, hence my blog *wink wink*).
4. Consistency and consideration.
This is one of the most IMPORTANT things in a relationship. Being consistent with each other and making sure that love does not become old or unexciting - and being considerate of each others feelings. I think my biggest shortcoming in my previous relationships is that I always think of my feelings first and foremost, with no true regard to the other person's feelings until it's all said and done. I am so deeply ruled and powered by my own emotions that when I'm hurting, I do not take a second to think about the ways the other person may be hurting too. I am so dramatic when it comes to my heart that once my feelings are hurt I AUTOMATICALLY assume it was done purposefully (which it hardly ever is). So just being considerate with each other and knowing that both parts of a relationship go through different phases and feelings and being consistent with showing care and love are going to take a relationship to higher levels.
5. Mutual respect.
This. This. This. This. Love is nothing without mutual respect. You can have bad and hard days/weeks/months/phases in general (these are healthy given life has its curve balls) but the only way to get through these is to respect each other, above everything else. In my most recent relationship I found that when we had hard/tough days/moments that I did not respect his feelings. Ever. I just wanted to drag out the hard times and get it all out of my system then move on. And he did the same! SO in an argument, outside of an argument, through all of life in general the biggest sign that you love and care for someone is to show respect even during the times you don't like them that much. You can love someone with your whole heart and still find yourself not liking them from time to time believe it or not, lol. But it's all about showing respect and consideration even when it feels the hardest. This is what keeps relationships together even when you're down in the dumps.
And there they are! What are some of the most important/fundamental things about relationships for you guys!?
Thanks so much for reading, xoxoxo.