February Daily Gratitude Journal

7:30:00 AM

1Today I am so thankful for super sweet customers and cute coworkers ;)
2Today I am thankful for FRIDAYS and waking up early!
3Today I am so thankful for ACTUALLY waking up at 4 am and for my pups!
4Today I am thankful for SUNDAYS and sleeping in (until 730) and sweet family.
5Today I am thankful for cuddly monday mornings and SLEEP.
6Today I am thankful for getting through the LONGEST day of the week!
7Today I am thankful for Wednesday! And my pups, even if they wake me up at 2am...
8Today I am thankful for waking up super super early and getting things done before work!
9Today I am thankful for SHOPPING SPREES and productive weekends!
12Today I am thankful for being productive and getting through the day.
14Today I am so thankful for my JEEP and my cutesy family!
15Today I am thankful for another slow day at work and for having time to myself!
16Today I am thankful for FRIDAYS and making time to watch all the shows i've been putting off!
18Today I am thankful for a beautiful day and getting to take the doors and tops off the Jeep!
19Today I am thankful for nice slow days at work and getting comfy!
20Today I am thankful for having a totally free night and getting to look at my finances a little deeper!
21Today I am thankful for actually waking up early and getting what I need done ahead of time!
22Today I am thankful for having a fairly fast day at work and for super cute TBTs!
23Today I am thankful for lil baby Asher!
24Today I am thankful for early, slow starts and orthodontic appointments!
25Today I am thankful for sleeping in until 6:30 ;) and cute friends!
26Today I am thankful for super sweet customers and getting through the rough ones...
27Today I am thankful for cute puppies and working on getting better!
28Today I am thankful for cold days and cozy mornings!

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