Gratitude | --- |
1 | Today I am thankful for the start of a new sweet year with sweet family! |
2 | Today I am thankful for the start of another cute week and for sweet, sweet friends. |
3 | Today I am thankful for already being halfway through the week! |
4 | Today I am so thankful for cute friends and helpful coworkers! And NICE PEOPLE! |
5 | Today I am thankful for days to relax and get some errands done! |
6 | Today I am so thankful for painting my room and having a fresh start! |
7 | Today I am thankful for getting projects done and a new cute room! |
8 | Today I am so thankful for a happy and healthy Monday! And another day of work! |
9 | Today I am thankful for cloudy days and hanging out at home! |
10 | Today I am thankful for graduating nesting and getting my raise! |
11 | Today I am thankful that Lovi is awake and hopefully healing. |
12 | Today I am thankful for FRIDAYS and cute friends. |
13 | Today I am so thankful for sleeping in and FINALLY taking down the christmas tree! |
14 | Today I am thankful for movie day Sunday's! |
15 | Today I am thankful for the start of another week! |
16 | Today I am thankful for getting through another day at work! |
17 | Today I am thankful for fun, cute friends and free time! |
18 | Today I am so thankful for having high productivity levels and the week almost being over! |
19 | Today I am so thankful for FRIDAYS and trying to be producive before the weekend! |
20 | Today I am so thankful for overcast, cold days and getting my rubber bands finally! |
21 | Today I am so thankful for ACTUALLY waking up at 4 am and starting my day! |
22 | Today I am so thankful for the start of another beautiful week! |
23 | Today I am so thankful for my mom and her cute birthday! |
24 | Today I am thankful for the middle of the week and sweet customers! |
25 | Today I am so thankful for slower work days and a break from the crazy! |
26 | Today I am thankful for PAYDAY. |
27 | Today I am so thankful for getting to sleep in over the weekend! |
28 | Today I am so thankful for early Sunday mornings and getting thangs done! |
29 | Today I am thankful for good books and getting back in to reading! |
30 | Today I am thankful for being who I am and knowing what i know. |
31 | Today I am so thankful for being halfway through the week and waking up earlier! |
2018, the year to becoming the best version of me EVAAAAA!
1. Be kinder/softer/sweeter.
- I like to think I'm already pretty soft and sweet but I know I lack this area THE MOST in my own home and with my own family.
2. Meditate and reflect, daily.
- Sometimes I catch myself feeling so overwhelmed or stressed out and I just need to remind myself to slow down and think about all the things that are going well rather than dwelling on the things that aren't.
4. Read more news articles, be more educated in current events.
5. Pay off 50% of my student loan debt.
- HEFTY, but I think I can do it!
6. Learn to open up to others more.
- ALSO HEFTY, but I seriously need to let some barriers down.
7. Say YES to cute friends and fun activities!
8. Say NO to people who give me bad feelings.
- This should be at the top of my list.
9. Count to 10 before getting angry.
- Sometimes I let my anger bubble up and explode and I HATE THAT about me!
10. Become the BEST at whatever job and/or task I'm assigned to!
- Including, but not limited to, becoming the best Pokemon trainer.
11. Practice patience in all things.
- See #9.
12. Become like the people I admire most.
- Cuter, happier, smiley-er, bubblier, gigglier, ALL OF IT.
13. Give more.
- Because there is so much to give and share.
14. Be more Christlike.
- THIS should be at the top of my list and at the CENTER of my heart.
1. Weigh 115 lbs.
2. Weigh myself EVERYDAY.
3. ONLY eat meat 2x a week (0x if possible).
4. Take biotin (and/or another form of vitamins) EVERY day.
5. Drink 8 cups of water everyday!
6. Eat a green vegetable with every meal!
8. Meditate daily.
1. Be able to do MORE than 25 pushups in a row without struggling (the bar is set so low, y'all).
2. Take the stairs WHENEVER possible.
3. Go on a walk at least 3x a week.
4. Do SOME kind of physical activity every single day.
5. Walk/stand WHENEVER possible.
And there you have it everyone!
I know they're pretty generic/repetitive but just being mindful every single day of these small little tasks is seriously going to help me keep up with them!
What are some health and fitness goals you guys have set for yourselves in 2018!?
- clean out storage bins in garage.
- dust bedroom fan.
- wipe down walls/baseboards.
- go through closet for donation items/stuff taking up space (aka closet clean-out!)
- closet clean-out!
- dust bedroom fan.
- wipe down walls/baseboards.
- closet clean-out!
- dust bedroom fan.
- wipe down walls/baseboards.
- store all winter clothes! donate what wasn't worn during the season!
- change toothbrush.
- closet clean-out!
- dust bedroom fan.
- wipe down walls/baseboards.
- closet clean-out!
- dust bedroom fan.
- wipe down walls/baseboards.
- closet clean-out!
- dust bedroom fan.
- wipe down walls/baseboards.
- clean out storage bins in garage.
- change toothbrush.
Monday:- laundry.
- take out recycling around the house.
- load dishwasher.
- put away dishes.
- sweep.
- mop.
- laundry.
- take out trash around the house (or as needed).
- load dishwasher.
- put away dishes.
- sweep.
- laundry.
- load dishwasher.
- put away dishes.
- sweep.
- mop.
- laundry.
- take out trash around the house (or as needed).
- load dishwasher.
- put away dishes.
- sweep.
- laundry.
- load dishwasher.
- put away dishes.
- sweep.
- mop.
- laundry.
- finish off any remaining laundry!
- wash rug.
- wash bedsheets.
- wash pillows.
- clean out fridge.
- clean out pantry.
- dust bedroom.
- DEEP clean bathroom.
- dust whole house.
- wipe mirrors around the house.
- take out trash around the house (or as needed).
Take a look through my lists and let me know if I missed anything! What are your monthly and weekly cleaning rituals?
Thanks so much for reading, hope you all enjoyed!
1. Have at least $2,500 in my savings at ALL times.
2. (Aside from the $2,500) Save $5,000 to put down on a new car!
3. Pay off 50% of my student loans.
4. Pay off braces.
5. Pay off my cell phone AND do not buy another one unless I absolutely have to!
6. STOP chronic spending (seriously, I have a problem).
- To go into more detail, if I end up spending a lot of money I decide FRICK IT ALL and spend EVERYTHING I have, lol. It's like an all or nothing kind of thing for me and I HAAAATE it.
7. Get a REALLY GOOD credit card.
- The ones I currently have are 1) a college card with a super low limit and 2) a store card that I NEVER use because my college card gives me cash $$$. My ideal credit card would have a high limit AND give some kind of cash back or mileage. With no annual fee, duh, lol.
8. Put all my expensive items TO GOOD USE rather than being really excited over them for a day.
- Seriously. I have so many expensive (or more expensive than other items) kind of items that I'm excited for, for a solid DAY then I'm over it. So I need to REALLY invest in the things I spend a ton of money on!
1. Went (almost) completely digital.
- I'm a huge sucker for cute stationary and sticky notes and just handwritten notes in general. BUT, I realized that I would get tired of looking at the same lists over and over again in a single notebook. I found that I'm such a freak that I'd pick apart my handwriting, or the way the list was ordered, or just tired of the notebook in general, OR I'd highlight all over the place and the list would just not make any sense after a day or two. SO, I've made all my lists on a google sheet so I can easily change the order of lists, or the order in which I make the lists, and the highlights, or the size of the columns, and I'm able to change the font and font sizes whenever I want! So it works perfectly! :)
2. I bought new organization bins for my closet.
- I used to have weird square cloth bins that I HATED and would just end up folding up and storing in a corner of my closet anyway... so I went to the 99c store and bought white little plastic baskets for my pj shorts, leggings, and one for my jeans! They fit PERFECTLY and they look soooo much cuter (plus they don't bend).
3. I'd made a list of ALL the debts I owe.
- I put the total amount left on my car, my braces, my cell phone, and my credit cards all in one google doc which I'm updating monthly! And it seriously is SO motivating to cross off (or erase) certain debts and it makes it so much easier to know EXACTLY where I stand and reminds me that I should be saving money/paying these down before going crazy when I get my paycheck, lol.
4. I schedule days to go through my closet.
- I've scheduled at least one day a month for a closet clean-out/refresh. I've noticed that my closet gets disorganized SO quickly, or I end up accumulating a ton of clothes very quickly so it always looks like a hurricane just hit SOOOOOO I've actually been scheduling one clean-out a week (on Sunday's). Some Sunday's I miss it, most I don't. But I ALWAYS plan a specific day to take some time out and decide if it's something that really needs to get done!
5. I only use sticky notes for small, in-between projects kind of tasks.
- I literally sit down, every night, and think about the things I need to do the next morning ALL before going to work. So I make a sticky note for each specific task so in the morning I pull the sticky note down as I finish the task (make a quick phone call, reply to an email, grab my work ID, feed the dogs, etc) SO it makes my mornings run a LOT smoother. Not only do I waste less time because I'm constantly aware that I need to address some kind of task, but I NEVER EVER EVER forget anything before work! I never find myself rushing out the door to get in my car and find that I forgot my water, or to feed my dogs, or to grab my headphones, or ANYTHING. It's seriously so genius.
and there you have it! Some of the ways I've been re-organizing my life for the past few weeks, but ESPECIALLY for the brand new year! Thank you all so much for reading! What ways have you re-organized your life for the new year? let me know! :)
Hi guys! So lately I've been feeling SUPER not into my job... which I hate... lol.
Idk what the heck happened but the first two weeks i was so pumped and excited and happy and grateful and somewhere along the way i started feeling discouraged and afraid that I'm always making mistakes... LOL #overthinking.
BUT turns out i AM doing pretty well and that other people are noticing and are appreciative of it sooo.... I really am just over thinking - per usual, lol.
Regardless, I decided that in order to stop feeling so bummed and worried all the time that i was going to make a list I can look back on whenever I want/need of all the things I am so thankful for when it comes to my job - so, here we go!
1. the pay.
seriously. i remember looking at my paychecks from nordstrom and thinking "if only i made this much more i could save THIS much more..." and now I AM making that much more and I SHOULD BE saving that much more, so........ I am very thankful.
2. the people!
i seriously work with the coolest, nicest people who are all around looking to support one another so i LOVE IT. i've made such fun friends and i'm soooo thankful.
3. the hours.
SERIOUSLY. i used to complain at my retail jobs about not having regular hours, about always having to work weekends and holidays but NOW i get to work mon-fri at the same time, same place, and i get to have a schedule and weekends are ALL. MINE. so I need to be waaaaay more thankful.
4. the fact that i have one.
i applied to this same workplace LAST JULY and was so bummed i had to settle for retail, but i tried again and GOT THE JOB and i am just so lucky and fortunate to have a job that gives me enough money to save and spend and pay my bills. seriously. so lucky.
so this irregular post was definitely mostly for me, i'll admit it. it's sloppy and quick and just my full fledged feelings but i am NOT ashamed of it.
so now on monday morning when im whining about going in to work i'm going to pop open this blog post and repeat how lucky i am to have such a fun job.
thanks for sticking with me, xo, me.
Hi, lovers! So once again, this past month didn't have too much going on as far as my braces are concerned! For some reason I have a NINE WEEK period between appointments so I haven't even been back in over a month! SOOOOO, nothing has changed, haha. Still rocking these red and green rubber bands from Christmas Time ;)
BUT, I did have a dental cleaning that went really well! My parents got me a water flosser for Christmas and I use it multiple times a day (is that good for my teeth btw??? Let me know, haha) so when I got my teeth cleaned the dental hygienist was OVER THE MOON about my teeth, haha. She couldn't stop talking about how white and clean they are and how well I brush/have been taking care of them! So wooooot wooot, gold star over here.
Otherwise, no new news here! I have my next appointment on the 20th so hopefully I get a thicker wire! Or my rubber bands (please, please, please, please).

10 June 2017!
2017 Wrap Up:
What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
- Let myself down in the biggest, most unexpected ways.
- Let myself down in the biggest, most unexpected ways.
Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
- I've kept some! Go check it out here! And I already posted 2018's here!
- I've kept some! Go check it out here! And I already posted 2018's here!
Did anyone close to you give birth?
- My cutie cousins!
Did anyone close to you die?
- No, thank God.
- No, thank God.
What countries did you visit?
- None :(
- None :(
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
- Confidence, a LOT more confidence.
- Confidence, a LOT more confidence.
What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
- None in particular actually.
- None in particular actually.
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
- Finishing school!
- Finishing school!
What was your biggest failure?
- Failing a few classes.
- Failing a few classes.
Did you suffer illness or injury?
- No, thank God.
- No, thank God.
What was the best thing you bought?
- A Tsum Tsums secret journal, no doubt.
- A Tsum Tsums secret journal, no doubt.
Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Whose behaviour made you appalled?
- MINE, at some times.
- MINE, at some times.
Where did most of your money go?
- Savings! ;)
- Savings! ;)
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
- 2018!
- 2018!
What song will always remind you of 2017?
- MANY, I'm sure!
- MANY, I'm sure!
Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
- Happier, thinner, richer.
- Happier, thinner, richer.
What do you wish you’d done more of?
- Love.
- Love.
What do you wish you’d done less of?
- Overthink.
- Overthink.
How did you spend Christmas?
- With my favorite people and pups.
- With my favorite people and pups.
Did you fall in love in 2017?
- Yes! ;)
- Yes! ;)
What was your favourite TV program?
- Way toooooo many, I love TV shows, lol.
- Way toooooo many, I love TV shows, lol.
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
- No!
- No!
What was the best book you read?
- Hahahahahahahahaha......
- Hahahahahahahahaha......
What was your greatest musical discovery?
- Hm, I'm not sure actually!
- Hm, I'm not sure actually!
What did you want and get?
- A good job!
- A good job!
What did you want and not get?
- Hmm, lots of things I'm sure - But I'm glad I didn't get them!
- Hmm, lots of things I'm sure - But I'm glad I didn't get them!
What was your favourite film of this year?
- Hm, I don't know actually!
- Hm, I don't know actually!
What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
- My heart, and my sweet mindset (later in the year).
- My heart, and my sweet mindset (later in the year).
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?
- Lazy, hahahaha.
- Lazy, hahahaha.
What kept you sane?
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
- Vance Joy ;)
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
- Vance Joy ;)
What political issue stirred you the most?
- OH MY GOSH, all of them.
- OH MY GOSH, all of them.
Who did you miss?
- My entire family in Oregon ;(
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017.
- People come and people go, love them anyway.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017.
- People come and people go, love them anyway.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
- "Late at night when you can't fall asleep, I'll be lying right beside you counting sheep."
- "Late at night when you can't fall asleep, I'll be lying right beside you counting sheep."
Dear 2018,
Listen babe - we are going to be the BEST of friends.
I understand that sometimes we'll fight and you'll throw anything - and everything - you can at me. And I'm ready for it.
I'm ready for the hurt and the tears and the fight that comes with life,
but I'm ready to meet it with love and hope and grace in my sweet heart and I'm ready for what you're going to teach me.
I used to be so afraid of what new change and possibilities would bring, but I'm so eager for it.
I'm ready for the ride.
I don't know what to expect, but I'm so excited you're here - you've made it.
WE'VE made it!
and I hope we'll make the best, sweetest memories.
Love u already, xo -
Listen babe - we are going to be the BEST of friends.
I understand that sometimes we'll fight and you'll throw anything - and everything - you can at me. And I'm ready for it.
I'm ready for the hurt and the tears and the fight that comes with life,
but I'm ready to meet it with love and hope and grace in my sweet heart and I'm ready for what you're going to teach me.
I used to be so afraid of what new change and possibilities would bring, but I'm so eager for it.
I'm ready for the ride.
I don't know what to expect, but I'm so excited you're here - you've made it.
WE'VE made it!
and I hope we'll make the best, sweetest memories.
Love u already, xo -
1. Get a SOLID savings plan set in stone!
2. Learn to say "yes" to friends and fun experiences!
3. Go on an overseas trip!
4. Learn to forgive yourself, and to forgive others.
6. Don't be so afraid to make a fool of yourself.
7. Start getting into more and more hobbies/fun habits.
9. Take way better care of your skin/hair.
10. Start taking multivitamins.
11. Make LESS trash.
12. Get way more into recycling.
13. Eat less meat.
14. Plan holidays in advance!
15. Make time to do the things I love and that make me happy.
16. Make more friends (lol).
17. Read more books.
18. Break out of your shell!