October 2017 Goals!

8:00:00 AM

It's fall y'all! Well... not if you live in Arizona - but a girl can dream right!? Anyway, I seriously CANNOT believe how fast this year is freaking zooming by, and I LOVE it! This month should be fun because I have fall break! But also - it's the last month before real life Christmas/holiday shopping madness begins... and I work retail... so pray for me! Anyway, here's this month's goal list!

1. Have a fun fall break! *as this is currently being written I have NO idea what I'm officially doing for fall break - but I will for sure keep you guys updated ;)

2. Lose those 5 lbs babe! I have somehow, someway plateaued at 125 lbs ONCE AGAIN and I know if I push myself a little bit harder that I can get over it - so once again, another weight goal haha.

3. Get rid of another 5+ articles of clothing (+ side goal: don't buy anymore!) I'm STILL trying to declutter my closet/life so making sure that I go through my closet every few weeks is mandatory around here, haha.

4. Take more pictures! For a few weeks over summer my instagram game was going strong and then I stopped being inspired and posting as often - so that needs to change!!!!!


Thanks for reading my October monthly goals! Hope you guys have a fun and safe month!
xo, me.

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