Halfway mark of 2017...

8:35:00 PM

Hi everyone! I'M BAAAACK!!!! ;)

Today, July 1st, 2017, marks the beginning of the SECOND HALF of this year! Which is crazy because it feels like this year just flew right on by (I think I say that every year...)

I think that this year brought me the MOST change so far... and also the most heartache I have EVER felt - but we'll get to that sometime later, haha.

Anyway, I started off this year so hopeful yet SO hesitant at the same time. I think I hoped for good things but was so afraid of acting on those good things or getting too hopeful and manifesting them in my own life. I sort of just stood still and expected those good things to somehow work themselves out. Needless to say... they didn't.

BUT, I think that past month has given me such good reflection time and I've been so caught up in distracting myself from all the things that went wrong during the first half of this year by doing things that I KNOW and WILL make right! So I've been filling up my own heart with hope, and acting on all the good things that I WANT to come my way and the universe has been love, love, loving me right on back. So, I'll be okay.

I think every time I get sad or when things don't work out my way I get hardcore determined to better either (1) myself or (2) my attitude about the situation and so far I've been doing things that help me check both boxes! As CHEESY as some people think self-help books or seminars or TedTalks are - all those things are exactly what has been fueling me through! I am literally drowning myself in positivity and in turn I'm becoming more positive and the situation around me is becoming more positive and it's all because I'm CHOOSING to be bigger than the sadness the first half of this year has brought me!

Anyway, I tried not to get too much into details for this post because I'm saving the juicy stuff for future posts ;) so keep checking back!

To wrap it all up, the first 5 months of this year really knocked me down in every way I could think, and all my plans and hopes went completely down the drain - but I can honestly say with full conviction of my whole heart that I am doing okay, and that I KNOW I'll be okay. And that love and happiness are coming into my life in exactly the ways they're meant to. I am so thankful for every hurdle I've been thrown because it just reminds me that every day I'm growing, and bettering myself, and being exactly the person I am supposed to be. I am a lot tougher and stronger than I ever thought I could be.

And if any of you reading this are struggling through something, you are too.

Anyway, get ready for more lovey dovey-sweet-and-positive Nissa posts! Cause they're back and here to stay ;) INFINITE X's AND O's!

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