May 2017 Goals!

8:00:00 AM

1. Take things one day at a time.
It's been a crazy past few months, to say the least, and this month might be the craziest yet so I really need/want to focus on one day and one event at a time!

2. Patience.
I think this is always a goal for me, but especially this month.

3. Being more thankful than doubtful.
I always feel myself taking in negative/sad/hard emotions and letting that kind of take over really good moments/memories and I hate it! I really want to work on writing out a long, well-thought out, personal gratitude journal (not like the ones I post on here) and spend a lot more time reflecting on the good things than letting the hard things drag me down.

This months goals are definitely way more personal just because I feel like life has seriously been running me over again and again and it really, really takes a hard toll on my heart. But I am FINALLY getting a break (in some aspects of my life) so I can spend more time kind of taking care of myself and my mindset/heart. SOOOOO, I know that if I spend more time focusing on my internal bad/unhealthy habits that it will all leak into other more external habits. Wish me luck you guys, and let me know what you all do to maintain sanity when things get rough or just your mindful activities/tips! Thanks for reading, xo - me.

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