February 2017 Goals update: I failed.

9:00:00 AM

Hi guys, here's a super quick blog post updating you on my February goals progress (or lack thereof) for the month! Let's just say.......... I'll do better this month ;) Haha.

1. Valentine's Day photo-booth with #ky!
Hahahahahaahaha, didn't happen! Time moves so fast...

2. Plan a fun spring break trip!
Yes! I'm in Oregon as this is posted ;)

3. Spend more time trying to figure out my DSLR camera!
No..... But I thought about it a few times, if that counts ;)

4. Bake a fun Valentines Day treat!
Nope...... My mom tried to get to to do this over and over again, but - lazy.

5. Plan a fun and different date night with #ky!
Tried to plan one (kind of) didn't happen, lol.

6. Don't get behind on school work!
Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahaha (stressed out crying).

7. Work ahead so that I don't have to stress out during spring break!
Does working ahead on my blog posts count......... b/c I'm doing this as we speak! ;)

8. Go hiking at least once!
Nah bro, next month though ;)

9. Work out at least twice a week!
Let's not talk about this one.....

10. Post an Instagram picture at least twice a week.
My instagram game is #weak.

Thanks so much for reading! xo, me.

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