Spring 2017 Semester Goals!

8:00:00 AM

YOU GUYS... This semester is (hopefully) going to be my very last semester of university! So, as always... here's a goals/resolutions list for my Spring 2017 semester! For what may be the very last time!!!!!

1. Attend all lectures!
I think this has been on my goals/resolutions list every semester because it's something I've struggled with so much since transferring to a university! When I attended community college the professors were super hardcore about attendance and allocated a ton of points toward attendance and would literally drop you if you missed more than three classes, haha. (Then again, the classes were MUCH smaller than at university!) Now, professors literally could not care less about whether or not you're in class, so I never go! But for sure, I feel way less stressed when I do attend lectures, and when I can actually be present during class announcements and not having to wonder what the heck certain powerpoint slides are supposed to mean, haha.

2. At least attempt to take my time and understand labs.
I don't know if all science majors struggle with this or think this same thing... but labs almost feel like an entirely separate class from the lecture (which they are, lol). But I feel like lab sections get into things that the professor doesn't stress or teach really, and that sometimes they run labs that feel like brand new material, and since lab classes are worth so little and are generally 1-2 credits I always feel like all I need to do is understand the experiment, but not the concepts. So definitely, 100%, I need to actually understand what the heck is going on during a lab section on a more conceptual level, lol.

3. Get my grad pictures taken!
SUPER EXCITING. But for some reason I feel like I already know I'll put this on the back burner and never ever get them done, lol. (Don't let me!)

4. Don't be so closed off during class.
I am so shy and introverted that I literally go straight to class, sit there by myself and not even make eye contact with anyone around me, and then go straight home or to my next class. BUT, sometimes some brave, brave soul will attempt to make conversation with me and it sometimes turns out that we have/have had multiple other classes together! So I definitely want to make more connections with the people around me and maybe form study groups or exchange study habit tips!

5. Enjoy it.
During the semester it is so easy to get so caught up in the craziness and just pray and pray and pray for it to be over with, but this is going to be my last semester! Since I'm planning on taking a year off before applying for grad programs/PA programs, I know I'm going to miss school so much and really miss the stress, haha. I don't know anything other than school and school work and studying! So I definitely always want to be mindful of the fact that I'm so lucky and blessed to have been able to continue my education and have access to schooling and just do what I've been able to do. So I for sure want to make sure that I never take a single second for granted.

Happy Spring 2017 semester everyone!
Good luck, and make it a good one!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxxxxxx, me.

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