Sweet n' Soft Survey

1:07:00 PM

sweet- what’s your favorite type of candy
* i think i'm one of those people who just roll with the seasons (Russell Stover, you feel me). So every year around this time i'm all about the wedding cake chocolates.

smooth- do you like classical music
* it depends on my mood. so some days i have to really squirm through it, but others i'm like aching to just listen to classical.

baby- do you want to be a parent 
* yes, yes, yes. one day.

courage- are you a strong athlete 
* i can hardly walk three feet without tripping over myself, honestly.

lovely- what’s the adjective you use when people ask “how are you”
* "good". (I know it's not grammatically correct, but i feel like such a jerk if i say "well", haha)

cutie- what’s your favorite orange thing
* seeing the word "cutie" immediately made me think about cuties, so... cuties.

skin- do you want any tattoos
* no, probably never.

pictures- is art important to you in any way
* very.

stars- use one word to describe space 
* amazing.

religion- do you practice religion - what religion if so
* yes, mormonism.

one- are you a competitive person
* SOOOOO competitive.

makeup- what is your most heavily used makeup product 
* loreal has this lip stain thing in everlasting caramel that literally lasts all day and i'm so attached to it i feel empty if i forget to put some on.

sheets- how many blankets do you sleep with 
* three.

chalk- what subject are you best at in school
* i think i'm pretty good at them all, but i can do a biology class with my eyes closed.

blush- are you easily embarrassed 
* YEEESSS. i think my natural state is eternal embarrassment.

water- when was the last time you cried 
* for a negative reason, its been a really long time.
* however, i cry like everyday bc sweet viral vidoes get me every single time.

karma- do you believe in luck
* mm, yeah.

lips- what is your favorite thing to taste 
* i'm a big fan of food. like super big.

cupcake- cookies, pie, ice cream or cake
* ice cream, but snow ice cream. not regular dairy ice cream.

music- list your 3 favorite bands or artists 
* the maine
* vance joy (currently)
* MIGOS. (just kidding, kind of)

night- how many hours of sleep do you get
* i think around 5 or 6... or less #premedlife

smile- how was your day today
* v v v v v v v good, so far.

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