Heavy hearts...
12:07:00 PMLife is such a beautiful, precious, thing... even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it.
And when I get so caught up in the chaos and all the wrong in the world, I don't realize how good I have it just to be given each breath I take.
Today my heart is so, so, so heavy. I can't remember the last time my heart has ever felt this heavy and burdened.
Life is the greatest gift I've ever received and I can't believe I've gone so long not realizing that. Not fully at least... until today.
I hope you all know how loved and precious you all are.
And I hope you all let all the people in your life know how loved and precious they are too.
I hope you're all safe on the roads, and in every other aspect of your life.
Buckle up, tell your motorcyclist friends and loved ones to wear their helmets.