Gratitude | - |
1 August 2017 | Today I am so stinking grateful for the start of a brand new month! |
2 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for overcast, cloudy days! |
3 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for 6am and getting things done! |
4 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for sleeping in until 9AM! |
5 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for a full day at work and making $$! |
6 August 2017 | Today I am super thankful for sleeping in! |
7 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for getting work done and waking up early! |
8 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for days off of work and the last day of online classes! |
9 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for earlier days at work! |
10 August 2017 | Today I am super thankful for getting my bottom row of braces on! |
11 August 2017 | Today I am super thankful for relaxing days at home! |
12 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for yummy banana bread! |
13 August 2017 | Today I am super thankful for Temple dedications! |
14 August 2017 | Today I am super thankful for days off of work! |
15 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for God and His grace and for letting go of burdens. |
16 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for getting errands done and early starts! |
17 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for the start of school! And $1 days! |
18 August 2017 | Today I am super thankful for easy going mornings & my mom letting me borrow her car! |
19 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for early saturday mornings and being productive! |
20 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for kittens! |
21 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for the solar eclipse and cool science stuff going on! |
22 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for sleeping in until 8:30 ;) |
23 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for a day off of work and getting things done! |
24 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for relaxed mornings and taking it easy. |
25 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for bright and pretty mornings! |
26 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for short work shifts! |
27 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for sunday breakfast and Game of Thrones!!!! |
28 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for easy going Monday's and productivity! |
29 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for sleeping in a little bit! |
30 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for days off of work and my new oil diffuser! |
31 August 2017 | Today I am thankful for sweet new starts and the end of a great month! |
Hi guys!!! So I've been itching to do a survey but I hadn't come across any on tumblr lately (LOL) BUT while I was scrolling through Pinterest I came across a list of 30 different blog prompts for a 30 day challenge but I figured I could crank out more than 1/2 of these with short and sweet answers so I decided to make it into a quick survey instead! I hope you all enjoy! XO, me.
1. How do I feel at the moment?
- Like One Tree Hill is LIFE. Seriously, how did I put this off for so long....
2. What do I need more of in my life?
- Love. Love. Love. Always love.
3. What would make me happy right now?
- Unlimited amount of time.
4. What is going right in my life?
- Most things - nearly ALL things.
5. What am I grateful for? List at least 10 things.
- The LUXURY of having braces.
- Getting an A in DevBio!
- Having my finances (mostly) in order.
- Sunny days!
- Sweet (but stinky) Cainer Wainer.
- One Tree Hill.
- Believing in myself.
- All the love coming into my life lately!
- Being able to relax on this BEAUTIFUL DAY OFF OF WORK!
- Sleepy Titan!
6. When did I experience joy this week?
- Everyday.
7. List all my small victories and successes.
- Everything these days feels like a small victory.
8. What's bothering me? Why?
- How cold I am! #stillwearssweatersinAZsummers.
9. What are my priorities at the moment?
- Getting laundry done #adulting.
10. What do I love about myself?
11. Who means the world to me and why?
- My family, my puppers and my friends! Because I wouldn't be me without them!
12. If I could share one message to the world, what would it be?
- "Do all things with great love."
13. What advice would I give to my younger self? (Do I follow this advice now?)
- SLOW DOWN. Don't rush life. And I'm trying to, really trying to!
14. What lesson did I learn this week?
- Buy the jeans. Do it.
15. If i had ll the time in the world, what would I want to do first?
- Travel! Learn a new language! Learn new things!
16. What's draining my energy? How can I reduce or cut it out?
- These hot cheetos I'm eating... I can stop eating them, lol.
17. What does my ideal morning look like?
- Wake up, clean the house, relax and watch Netflix or get work/school stuff done! In my PJs - the entire time.
18. What does my ideal day look like?
- See question #17.
19. What makes me come alive? When was the last time I felt truly alive?
- Love, being in love. Right now.
20. What/who inspires me the most? Why am I drawn to those inspirations?
- I've been hardcore following cute and loving LDS couples on instagram and listening to love and eternal marriage conference talks lately - so basically all those people who provide healthy examples of Godly love.
21. Where does my pain originate? What would need to happen for me to heal?
- Mostly my heart. I would need to stop hardening it against the world and start believing and trusting in it more.
22. What are my strengths? What am I really good at?
- I am STELLAR at organization and getting things done and being responsible, lol.
23. What is something I would love to learn?
- German. #53prozent
24. What hobbies would I like to try?
- Embroidering a lot more seriously!
25. Where would I want to live my ideal life?
- Oregon. Maybe London, will let you know soon xx.
26. Where would I want to travel in the next 5 years?
- England, Germany, Alaska!
27. What can I do to take better care of myself?
- Pray.
28. When have I done something that I thought I couldn't do?
29. At the end of my life, what do I want my legacy to be?
- Love.
1. How do I feel at the moment?
- Like One Tree Hill is LIFE. Seriously, how did I put this off for so long....
2. What do I need more of in my life?
- Love. Love. Love. Always love.
3. What would make me happy right now?
- Unlimited amount of time.
4. What is going right in my life?
- Most things - nearly ALL things.
5. What am I grateful for? List at least 10 things.
- The LUXURY of having braces.
- Getting an A in DevBio!
- Having my finances (mostly) in order.
- Sunny days!
- Sweet (but stinky) Cainer Wainer.
- One Tree Hill.
- Believing in myself.
- All the love coming into my life lately!
- Being able to relax on this BEAUTIFUL DAY OFF OF WORK!
- Sleepy Titan!
6. When did I experience joy this week?
- Everyday.
7. List all my small victories and successes.
- Everything these days feels like a small victory.
8. What's bothering me? Why?
- How cold I am! #stillwearssweatersinAZsummers.
9. What are my priorities at the moment?
- Getting laundry done #adulting.
10. What do I love about myself?
11. Who means the world to me and why?
- My family, my puppers and my friends! Because I wouldn't be me without them!
12. If I could share one message to the world, what would it be?
- "Do all things with great love."
13. What advice would I give to my younger self? (Do I follow this advice now?)
- SLOW DOWN. Don't rush life. And I'm trying to, really trying to!
14. What lesson did I learn this week?
- Buy the jeans. Do it.
15. If i had ll the time in the world, what would I want to do first?
- Travel! Learn a new language! Learn new things!
16. What's draining my energy? How can I reduce or cut it out?
- These hot cheetos I'm eating... I can stop eating them, lol.
17. What does my ideal morning look like?
- Wake up, clean the house, relax and watch Netflix or get work/school stuff done! In my PJs - the entire time.
18. What does my ideal day look like?
- See question #17.
19. What makes me come alive? When was the last time I felt truly alive?
- Love, being in love. Right now.
20. What/who inspires me the most? Why am I drawn to those inspirations?
- I've been hardcore following cute and loving LDS couples on instagram and listening to love and eternal marriage conference talks lately - so basically all those people who provide healthy examples of Godly love.
21. Where does my pain originate? What would need to happen for me to heal?
- Mostly my heart. I would need to stop hardening it against the world and start believing and trusting in it more.
22. What are my strengths? What am I really good at?
- I am STELLAR at organization and getting things done and being responsible, lol.
23. What is something I would love to learn?
- German. #53prozent
24. What hobbies would I like to try?
- Embroidering a lot more seriously!
25. Where would I want to live my ideal life?
- Oregon. Maybe London, will let you know soon xx.
26. Where would I want to travel in the next 5 years?
- England, Germany, Alaska!
27. What can I do to take better care of myself?
- Pray.
28. When have I done something that I thought I couldn't do?
29. At the end of my life, what do I want my legacy to be?
- Love.
Another month, another braces update! I basically explained all the big basics last month so I thought I'd give this months update in a bullet point style!
+ I FINALLY GOT MY BOTTOM ROW OF BRACES ON! The snapchat picture (above) you can clearly see a tooth pushed a little forward and I KID YOU NOT a few hours later I looked at my teeth again and they were ALL perfectly aligned - braces are magic.
+ I had my regular monthly appointment about a week before I got my bottom row applied but the girl who adjusted my braces MISSED a an entire bracket so one of my front teeth started shifting back (see june 10th picture) so I went back a few days later and got it fixed!
+ Apparently my teeth are moving even faster than I thought! I got my bracket and wire fixed the Thursday (a full week) before I got my bottom row of braces put on and the ortho said it was already time for a thicker wire because the wire popped out of a bracket!
+ IM SO EXCITED SEEING ALL THIS PROGRESS! Seriously it feels like a slow and steady race but looking back at monthly progress and results makes it worth it! Can't believe how far my teeth have come in only TWO months!!!!
10 June 2017!
Hi guys! Soooo, I figured I'd do a life update this week since it has been awhile!
+ WORK! Ya girl is finally working again! I had so much anxiety for like two months straight because I was burning through my savings account like crazy BUT I also loved getting to plan my days how I liked and getting to do what I need and just relax for as long as I want haha. BUT I started working again and it honestly feels soooo much better knowing I'm making money to add to my savings than it did getting to sleep in everyday ;)
+ SCHOOL! I'm finally starting my last required class next week! Which means I will officially have my degree come this december! I hate that I let myself get distracted and put off track but I'm doing it FOR REAL this time ya'll ;)
+ LIFE/LOVE/EVERYTHING ELSE! I am sooooo in love with everything life is bringing to me! I feel so much more whole and happy because I'm able to do the things that make my heart full. I used to put aside doing all the things I loved because I felt like I didn't have time or the money to do it but now I get to just have fun! So I LOVE IT!
+ TRAVEL! STILLLLLL too chicken to book a plane ticket all by myself, so keep checking back for updates lol.
Thanks for reading guys! XO, me.
+ WORK! Ya girl is finally working again! I had so much anxiety for like two months straight because I was burning through my savings account like crazy BUT I also loved getting to plan my days how I liked and getting to do what I need and just relax for as long as I want haha. BUT I started working again and it honestly feels soooo much better knowing I'm making money to add to my savings than it did getting to sleep in everyday ;)
+ SCHOOL! I'm finally starting my last required class next week! Which means I will officially have my degree come this december! I hate that I let myself get distracted and put off track but I'm doing it FOR REAL this time ya'll ;)
+ LIFE/LOVE/EVERYTHING ELSE! I am sooooo in love with everything life is bringing to me! I feel so much more whole and happy because I'm able to do the things that make my heart full. I used to put aside doing all the things I loved because I felt like I didn't have time or the money to do it but now I get to just have fun! So I LOVE IT!
+ TRAVEL! STILLLLLL too chicken to book a plane ticket all by myself, so keep checking back for updates lol.
Thanks for reading guys! XO, me.
Another month another GOAL LIST! You know the drill....
1. Read all of Exodus! (And as far as I can after that!)
2. Complete an entire embroidery project. (Pics or it didn't happen)
3. NO SPEND! (I say this every month and every month I fail...)
4. Get 50% fluent in German on Duolingo!
5. Pick up another new/fun skill! (PHOTOGRAPHY. Idk why I can never make this happen...)
Thanks for reading everyone! Thought I'd keep it short and sweet ;) XO, me.
1. Read all of Exodus! (And as far as I can after that!)
2. Complete an entire embroidery project. (Pics or it didn't happen)
3. NO SPEND! (I say this every month and every month I fail...)
4. Get 50% fluent in German on Duolingo!
5. Pick up another new/fun skill! (PHOTOGRAPHY. Idk why I can never make this happen...)
Thanks for reading everyone! Thought I'd keep it short and sweet ;) XO, me.